Talking Heads Archive

Welcome to the Archive section of Talking Heads Wiki

Here you can explore, and contribute to, a large collection of any media related to Talking Heads. Our aim is to ensure that nothing is ever lost, and to give fans the ability to easily find any specific item.

There are currently 356 items available in the archive.

Click here to view the list of items in the archive

New features and improvements are still in development! If anything doesn't work the way you think it should, please inform us. Unfortunately the website may not work as smoothly on mobile as on desktop at the moment. If you want to submit items to the archive, please log in (which works by redirecting you to the wiki section of the website to use a Talking Heads Wiki account).

Most recent item

#441: "David Byrne (1979)"

David Byrne performing at Achiel Eeckloo Rockweide, Torhout, Belgium during the More Songs about buildings and food tour, July 7, 1979. Photographer unknown. Source: Getty/Goedefroit Music

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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC by Reimomo

Random item

#426: "David Byrne (2001)"

David Byrne sitting on Lido Di Iesolo beach, Venice, Italy on July 12th , 2001 before his show at the Aurora Square in support of "Look into the Eyeball", Photographed in black and white by Graziano Quaglia. Source: Graziano Quaglia's website

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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-21 at 02:31:28 UTC by Reimomo