Total items in Archive: 356
Latest addition: "David Byrne (1979)", uploaded 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC
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David Byrne performing at Achiel Eeckloo Rockweide, Torhout, Belgium during the More Songs about buildings and food tour, July 7, 1979. Photographer unknown. Source: Getty/Goedefroit Music
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC by Reimomo
David Byrne performing at Achiel Eeckloo Rockweide, Torhout, Belgium during the More Songs about buildings and food tour, July 7, 1979. Photographer unknown. Source: Getty/Goedefroit Music
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-03-08 at 03:51:01 UTC by Reimomo
David Byrne at CBGB in 1979 with brothers Brian Butler & Steve Butler, who were members of the band Quincy (later renamed Lulu Temple) and then the band Smash Palace. Quincy was managed by Hilly Kristal, owner of CBGB. Posted on Facebook by Smash Palace in 2010:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-22 at 13:00:37 UTC by Naomi
An infamous interview from September 1979 featuring the four members of Talking Heads, with questions focusing mainly on sex and drugs. Not much is known about the context of this interview or whether any of the answers are taken out of context or exaggerated at all. Interview conducted by Scott Cohen for the porn magazine OUI in the band's loft in Long Island City, Queens, NYC. Source: Brian Eno News / moredarkthanshark on Twitter,, with a text transcript on the moredarkthanshark website:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-14 at 07:15:54 UTC by Naomi
Scan of an article about Talking Heads and Fear of Music, released in September 1979 in Roadrunner, written by Donald Robertson. Source: Brian Eno News / moredarkthanshark on Twitter,, with a text transcript on the moredarkthanshark website:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-14 at 07:08:35 UTC by Naomi
David Byrne performing with Talking Heads as part of the Fear of Music tour, photo taken by Steve Richards at the Electric Ballroom, London, December 7, 1979. Source: Shutterstock
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-11-05 at 02:12:30 UTC by Reimomo - 1 collection(s)
David Byrne performing with Talking Heads as part of the Fear of Music tour, photo taken by Steve Richards at the Electric Ballroom, London, December 7, 1979. Source: Shutterstock
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-11-05 at 02:12:23 UTC by Reimomo - 1 collection(s)
Jerry Harrison performing with Talking Heads at Rock Werchter Festival, Werchter, Belgium on August 7, 1979. Photo by Gie Knaeps. Source:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-10 at 09:24:09 UTC by Lux
David Byrne in an Edinburgh hotel while Talking Heads were touring in Scotland, photographed by Jill Furmanovsky in November 1979. Source: rockarchive
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-10 at 09:17:04 UTC by Lux
Talking Heads on the Chelsea Hotel rooftop, New York City. Photographed by Norman Seeff in 1979. Source: Norman Seeff Productions on facebook
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-06 at 07:51:09 UTC by Lux
David Byrne and Tina Weymouth performing with Talking Heads at the Torhout Festival in Werchter, Belgium. Photographed by gie Knaeps on July 8, 1979. Source: gieknaeps on instagram
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-06 at 06:17:28 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
David Byrne and Jerry Harrison performing at the Ontario Theater, DC in during the Fear of Music tour. November 1979, by Rudy Childs, Source:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-03 at 01:50:33 UTC by Reimomo - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads (pictured David Byrne, Jerry Harrison and Tina Weymouth) performing a show in 1979, photographed by Gus Stewart. Source: Daily Express
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-02 at 08:27:20 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
David Byrne in Amsterdam in 1979, photographed in B&W by Gijsbert Hanekroot, Source:
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-02 at 03:55:06 UTC by Reimomo
David Byrne holding a bowl of Cornflakes cereal, used within a Kellog's Cornflakes box cover. From photoshoot circa 1979 by Bobby Grossman which also featured others like Tina Weymouth, Debbie Harry, Andy Warhol, and Lou Reed.
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-05-01 at 07:41:06 UTC by Naomi
Talking Heads while filming for German television show Rockpop in mid December, 1979. (They did a lip-sync of Take Me to the River) Photo from the United Archives, Source: Getty Images
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-27 at 05:08:01 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads Performing on SNL on February 10, 1979. Photographed by Al Levine for NBCUniversal. Source: Getty Images
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-26 at 08:14:30 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads (Jerry Harrison, David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth) performing at a concert circa 1979 in Hollywood, California. Photographed by Michael Ochs. Source: Getty Images
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-26 at 08:08:06 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads (Jerry Harrison, David Byrne, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth) performing at a concert circa 1979 in Hollywood, California. Photographed by Michael Ochs. Source: Getty Images
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-26 at 08:07:04 UTC by Lux - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads performing "Artists Only" on Saturday Night Live (February 10, 1979)
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-26 at 07:58:58 UTC by Naomi - 1 collection(s)
Talking Heads performing "Take Me To The River" on Saturday Night Live (February 10, 1979)
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-26 at 07:57:55 UTC by Naomi - 1 collection(s)
David Byrne in a photo taken by Debra Billings, sometime in 1979.
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-25 at 08:47:44 UTC by Lux
David Byrne holding a bowl of Cornflakes cereal. From photoshoot circa 1979 by Bobby Grossman which also featured others like Tina Weymouth, Debbie Harry, Andy Warhol, and Lou Reed.
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[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-10 at 08:23:14 UTC by Naomi
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