Total items in Archive: 356
Latest addition: "David Byrne (1979)", uploaded 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC
Page 1 of 1 (25 items per page)
David Byrne interviewed by David Caban in 1996, discussing Latin influences, uploaded to YouTube in August 2009 by VideoDaveCABAN under the name "DavidByrneIntPt2", alongside a first part.
(424-DavidByrneIntPt2_-_DavidCaban1996.mp4, 640x480, 44.25 MB)
[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-16 at 06:31:54 UTC by Naomi
David Byrne interviewed by David Caban in 1996, discussing Latin influences, uploaded to YouTube in August 2009 by VideoDaveCABAN under the name "DavidByrneIntPt1", alongside a second part.
(423-DavidByrneIntPt1_-_DavidCaban1996.mp4, 640x480, 60.83 MB)
[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-01-16 at 06:30:49 UTC by Naomi
David Byrne inducting David Bowie into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame during its New York City ceremony on January 27th, 1996 at The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Bowie was not there to accept the award so Madonna accepted it on his behalf.
(96-1996-01-27-David-Byrne-Inducts-Bowie-RRHOF.mp4, 480x360, 4.63 MB)
[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2024-04-28 at 10:13:51 UTC by Naomi
Page 1 of 1 (25 items per page)