Talking Heads Archive

Viewing items in the Talking Heads Archive

Total items in Archive: 356

Latest addition: "David Byrne (1979)", uploaded 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC

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#435: "Joey Ramone, Fred Schneider and David Byrne at Stop Making Sense premiere (1984)"

David Byrne with Joey Ramone (from The Ramones) and Fred Schneider (from The B-52's) at the Stop Making Sense premiere that took place in 1984 at The Ritz in New York City. Source: Faces magazine, posted on Tumblr by rockwithbibberly:

(435-tumblr_f09bd7cfb0038adc4e3a36bf61978b0d_002b3765_2048.jpg, 2048x1177, 997.41 KB)

[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-02-22 at 09:53:34 UTC by Naomi

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