Talking Heads Archive

Viewing items in the Talking Heads Archive

Total items in Archive: 356

Latest addition: "David Byrne (1979)", uploaded 2025-03-08 at 03:51:11 UTC

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#433: "Sean Ono Lennon, Jerry Harrison, and Aishlin Harrison soundchecking (2018)"

Jerry Harrison and his daughter Aishlin Harrison in a selfie taken by Sean Ono Lennon (son of John Lennon), while they soundcheck for a performance that would feature Paul Ill, Bob Weir (from the Grateful Dead) as well as Harper Simon (Paul Simon's son) on April 8th 2018. This was part of a tribute show for Grateful Dead member Perry Barlow, and took place in The Fillmore in San Francisco, CA. Posted by Sean on his Facebook page with the caption "Soundcheck with Aishlin Harrison and her dad! Yes!":

(433-472124350_10162017816879431_8184135659332929179_n.jpg, 1080x810, 123.62 KB)

[Open] [Edit] - Uploaded: 2025-02-04 at 08:48:20 UTC by Naomi

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